You may or may not know that the Toledo Zoo is involved in numerous conservation initiatives locally as well as across the globe.
Through donations to our Conservation Today program, donors have helped support such important initiatives as:
- Reintroducing more than 700 Hellbender salamanders back into their native cleaned-up Ohio streams
- Ensuring Monarch butterflies continue to pollinate and beautify Toledo area vegetable gardens and landscapes
- Conducting research on critically endangered rattlesnake populations in the U.S and Aruba
- Tracking and monitoring population health of imperiled native Ohio turtles
- Continuing the effective promotion and installation of native plants and natural landscapes throughout northwest Ohio to provide habitat for wildlife and migratory birds, while filtering rain water run off
- Partnering with the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program to address the communicable cancer decimating this species in the wild
- Reintroducing 1,000+ Kihansi Spray Toads to the Kihansi gorge in Tanzania to save them from extinction
- Joining forces with the Mariana Avifauna Conservation Program to capture, translocate and transfer at-risk bird species in order to establish captive assurance populations
Visit us at to learn more about how we are inspiring others to join us in caring for animals and conserving the natural world and making a difference locally and globally.