One hundred years ago at 11 am on the 11th of November 1918 a ceasefire was declared ending what is now known as World War I. The peace treaty that…
Toledo Lucas County Public Library
Beverly Severance, former middle linebacker for the Toledo Troopers during their 1974 and 1975 seasons, recently loaned her personal collection to the Local History and Genealogy Department for digitization. The…
Did you know November is Picture Book Month? Picture Book Month is an international literacy initiative that celebrates the print picture book during the month of November. Join the celebration…
There are so many great business and leadership books out recently that appeal to even the most un-business-y readers! Take a look… Business, Entrepreneurship and Industry Valley of Genius: the Uncensored…
The most jarring thing about “A Good Day,” by Kevin Henkes, is the first page, the way it begins: “It was a bad day…” Kind of seems like false advertising,…
Ever wonder about your ancestors from Ireland, when they came here, if they came here and what they did when they got here? Paul Milner has your answers. This…
Welcome to our funny fiction series. We’re highlighting a variety of humorous fiction novels to help our readers find that next great read (and hopefully a few laughs along the…
Have you heard of NaNoWriMo? It’s short for National Novel Writing Month, which is an annual creative writing project. During the month of November, creative minds all over the country…
Domestic violence is an International epidemic Defined as the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault and/or other abusive behavior perpetrated by an intimate partner against another; there is no corner of…
Partner blog post by librarians Melissa J. and Teresa A. Distinguishing Fact from Fiction A few months ago, one of our teen customers came up to our reference desk to…